Pennsylvania Women Work is a statewide 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering women in career transition through job readiness, emotional growth, education, training and employment. Our flagship program, New Choices, has served thousands of women across the Commonwealth and assisted them in breaking the cycle of poverty to build better lives for themselves and their families!
Human Services & Workforce Development

NonProfit description

VetPets of SWPA uses the power of animal assisted activities and business partnerships to empower veterans and first responders to regain control of their mental and emotional well-being by providing them with the tools and support to thrive.

Community Foundation, Philanthropy


Environmental – Conservation and Preservation Services

Food Bank

Social Services

Economic Development and Business Certification

Management support organization


Historic Preservation

Chamber of Commerce

Addiction Treatment and Recovery Support Services

Social Services

Economic Development


Human Services, Crisis Intervention for Allegheny County CYS

Economic Development