Pennsylvania Women Work is a statewide 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering women in career transition through job readiness, emotional growth, education, training and employment. Our flagship program, New Choices, has served thousands of women across the Commonwealth and assisted them in breaking the cycle of poverty to build better lives for themselves and their families!
Human Services & Workforce Development

Community Foundation, Philanthropy


Providing Training, Human Resources, Government Advocacy, Events & Networking


NonProfit description


Human Services, Workforce Development and Children & Youth


Human Services, Workforce Development and Children & Youth

Environmental – Conservation and Preservation Services

Arts & Culture

Invest PGH is a nonprofit that supports Pittsburgh’s small businesses with a variety of programs. A certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), Invest PGH offers loans in many sizes, helping small businesses to grow and thrive in their communities.
Small business lending and resources

The Allegheny Land Trust (ALT) is a 501c3, independent Pennsylvania Corporation with the mission of conserving and caring for local land for the health and well-being of current and future generations.
We envision a resilient region with abundant green space that is easily accessible and recognized as essential to the quality of life for all.
Established in 1993, ALT has conserved almost 3,000 acres across Allegheny and Washington counties in over 30 municipalities. Strategic priorities include LAND CONSERVATION (protect rapidly disappearing green space for the overall well-being of the region), LAND STEWARDSHIP (manage and care for our conserved green spaces for perpetual community benefit), COMMUNITY CONSERVATION (empower communities through education, innovative programs, resources to create equity through conservation) and NATURE-BASED EDUCATION (foster an understanding of regional issues and solutions for current and future generations.
Enviromental – Conservation

Food Bank