Mel Pirchesky, President
Eagle Ventures, Inc.
Want to measurably increase the likelihood of your success? Learn the makings of a “great, not good, Elevator Pitch” with Mel Pirchesky. Having raised over $100 million of capital, Mel will coach you in refining or creating your Pitch. The goal of this workshop is to assist participants in refining a pitch that much more effectively articulates their value proposition to prospective customers and investors.
Please be prepared with an opening sentence or two of the value proposition of your idea, service or product for the webinar. You will have the opportunity to work on your delivery during the webinar.
Please RSVP by June 20, 2022 to 412-392-0610 or in*********@aa****.com
We will send you the webinar link once you have sent us your RSVP!