

Small Business and Affordable Housing Lending

Building Supplies


Michael’s Manna LLC is a full spectrum food service company that serves its clients in the area of private chef work, catering, opening chef work, chef consulting. MaestroChef’s Products is also a DBA under Michael’s Manna and provides original flavors (spices) for consumers, and high end food service operations.

William Marshall is the producer and organizer of the Western PA Juneteenth Celebration, the founder of Stop the Violence Pittsburgh which is a social organization designed to uplift Pittsburgh’s African American Community through cultural, economic and educational events and curve violence in Allegheny county, the producer and organizer of Pittsburgh’s Soul Food Festival, and the producer and organizer of Western PA Black History Month High School Student Summit.


Technical training,Arts ed. jazz present

Youth Development


Professional Services

Partnership with Cisco, Palo, Alto & Aruba as well as other “best practices” Technologies & Software